Daily Archives: March 10, 2015

Fact Sheet for Authors and Publishers

Fact Sheet

This is a guideline for your book showing the content to include on a Fact Sheet. However, your layout may vary.  Use with the media, book reviewers, or create a general book flyer.  Include a photograph of your book – easily to the right of the content below.  Keep this to one page and include links when doing an electronic version.



Author: author’s name (include illustrator name also, if one)

Date of Publication: (release date)

Type of Book: hard cover / soft cover / ebook, etc.

Trim Size: dimensions of the book (N/A for ebooks)

Binding Type: perfect bound, spiral bound, etc. (N/A for ebooks)

# of Pages: total number of pages (N/A for ebooks)

Selling Points: can also be called “reader benefits” briefly list 3-5 selling points directed at your readers

ISBN: use the 13 digit ISBN

Price: suggested retail price

Book Summary: give a brief description of the book – approximately 100 words or less

Reviews: include a couple of brief quotes from any book review received

Author’s Contact Info:

Author’s or Book’s Website:

Publisher’s Name:
Publisher’s Address: (include street, city, state, zip code)
Publisher’s Phone #:

Author Bio: Keep to one paragraph

Available Via: include wholesalers / distributors and their contact info; bookstores and retail outlets (including Amazon, Kindle and/or Smashwords, etc.); include any other outlets.
