Rosemary Augustine – Author & Publisher

A native of southern New Jersey, Rosemary Augustine spent most of her adult life living in California and Colorado, and returned to the Philadelphia area in 2001 to care for an aging parent.
Rosemary calls herself a Journal Aficionado (License Plates in the last 2 states she lived read: “Journal”)… as she is an avid writer, including a daily journaling practice. She writes fiction and non-fiction books. Her artistic endeavors include acrylic painting and mixed media collage, and she designs hand-crafted journals that she often gives as gifts or sells.
While living in Colorado in the 1990s, Rosemary Augustine was very active in the independent publishing community. Former President of Colorado Independent Publishers Association, Rosemary was often a speaker at the Rocky Mountain Book Festival and The Aspen Writer’s Conference on the topic of self publishing.
When Rosemary relocated to the NJ/PA area in 2001, she continued to write, and write, and write, as she did not publish any works for 12 years. She did, however, insist on the personalize license plates that say “Journal” to remind herself to journal everyday and inspire others to do the same. By 2012 she released her 3rd book – 365 Days of Creative Writing which offered the reader 365 journal prompts for every day of the year. A year later, Rosemary released 3 more books. She continues to write and publish multiple books each year since.
In 2012, Rosemary formed a group called “Self Publishing for Writers” and the group met monthly in Wayne, Pennsylvania. During the 3+ years that she facilitated the group, more than half the members self published books. She continued to facilitate this group well into 2018 and works with writers and authors individually assisting them to publish a quality professional looking book.
Rosemary is the author of the books found on this website including 365 Days of Creative Writing (365 Journal Prompts), Secrets I Learned From Ordinary House Cats and Adventures with Byron which are some of her more popular releases. Rosemary is listed in Who’s Who of American Women and Who’s Who in the World.
Rosemary continues to write and publish books, offers publishing consulting to aspiring authors, and continues to honor her spiritual essence. In 2015, she relocated to Melbourne, Florida with her famous cat “Ziggy” – who is the featured feline in the book, Secrets I Learned From Ordinary House Cats, and who also has a password keeper called, Ziggy’s Secrets, and has his own website: MyCoolCatZiggy. Sadly, Ziggy passed away unexpectedly in 2016, and Oscar and Buttercup are the new feline representatives of Ziggy’s Secrets online.
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Additional Blue Spruce Authors
In 2016, an opportunity to publish other people’s work presented itself. To date, Rosemary Augustine, dba Blue Spruce Publishing, has published works by 4 additional authors. Several of these authors are working on additional books and have requested that Blue Spruce continues to publish their works:
V. G. Gallagher… A Time to Remember and A Tribute to Private Vincent Cavallo
Flora McCarty … Fountain Sheldon May – A History of a Civil War Soldier
Rev. Dr. Ron Fox … Experiencing the Beacon Within and Words of Wisdom – Stories to Inspire (due for release in 2022)
M. Suzanne … The Extricated Soul
All of these author’s books can be found on Amazon.